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意昂4招商 - 意昂4招商




2007 – 2011年 北京大學 生命科學意昂4 生物科學 理學學士

2011 – 2018 年 北京大學 心理與認知科學意昂4 基礎心理學 理學博士

                                   2018 – 2020 年 北京大學 心理與認知科學意昂4 心理學博士後





Luo, L., Xu, N., Wang, Q., Li, L. (2020) Disparity in interaural time difference improves the accuracy of neural representations of concurrent sounds in rat inferior colliculus and auditory cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 123(2): 695-705.

Wang, Q.#, Luo, L.#, Wang, J., Luan, G.M. (2019) Color perception matches selectivity in human early visual cortex. Brain Stimulation, 13: 253-255. (共同一作)

Luo, L., Wang, Q., Li, L. (2017) Neural representations of concurrent sounds with overlapping spectra in rat inferior colliculus: comparisons between temporal-fine structure and envelope. Hearing research, 353:87-96

Lu, J.S., Luo, L., Wang, Q., Fang, F., Chen, N.H. (2020) Cue-triggered activity replay in human early visual cortex. Science China Life Sciences, (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-020-1726-5

Xu, N., Luo, L., Wang, Q., Li, L. (2019) Binaural unmasking of the accuracy of envelope-signal representation in rat auditory cortex but not auditory midbrain. Hearing research, 377:87-96

Lei, M., Luo, L., Qu, T. S., Jia, H. X., Li, L. (2014) Perceived location specificity in perceptual separation-induced but not fear conditioning-induced enhancement of prepulse inhibition in rats. Behavioural brain research, 269: 87-94

Wang, Q., She, S.L., Luo, L., Li, H.J., Ning, Y.P., Ren, J.J., Wu, Z.Y., Huang, R.C., Zheng, Y.J. (2020) Abnormal Contingent Negative Variation Drifts During Facial Expression Judgment in Schizophrenia Patients. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14:1-11

Liu, Y.Q., Sun, Y.N., Zhao, X.Y., Kim, J.Y., Luo, L., Wang, Q., Meng, X.L., Li, Y.H., Sui, N., Chen, Z.F., Pan, C.X., Li, L., Zhang, Y. (2019) Enhancement of aggression induced by isolation rearing is associated with a lack of central serotonin. Neuroscience Bulletin, 35: 841-852

Wu, C., Ding,Y., Chen, B.Q., Gao, Y.Y., Wu, Z.M., Lu, L.X., Luo, L., Zhang, C.X., Bao, X.H., Yang, P.C., Fan, L.C., Lei, M., Li, L. (2019) Both Val158met polymorphism of catechol-o-methyltransferase gene and menstrual cycle affect prepulse inhibition but not attentional modulation of prepulse inhibition in younger-adult females. Neuroscience, 404396-406

雷銘、羅路,馬士棋,張研,吳璽宏,李量 (2013) 早期社會隔離構建精神分裂症動物模型的行為學和神經生物學特征。生理學報, 65(1):101-108


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